Overview: Best Video conver Andro, convert any at
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 a up
Market Update Relea August 18, 2012
Pr/b> $3.18
Video Conver Andro PRO Extract mp3 from video, convert audio from video to mp3 or aac
Video Conver Andro PRO tur:
-convert most commonly eo a to mp4 or h.264
-extract audio from vide, in mp3 or aac at (audio profile)
-reduce video file size to through SMS e. (Reduce size profile)
-convert video while keoriginal video quality (Kequality profile)
-adnc mode to specify video bitrate, arbitrary resoluti, audio bitrate, cod e. (Manual profile)
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***If Video Conver Andro alwa s to convert vide, a me=>hedk=>conversi to a detail log. We☺ve be mak the app work on more a more dev***
Video Conver Andro (VidC) is the best video conver on Andro Andro. With the kgrou ffmpeg library support, Video conver An convert almost any video a to mpeg4 a h264 vide, includ asf, avi, divx, flv, m2v, m4v, mjpeg, mkv, mov, mpg, ogg, ogv, rm, rmvb, webm, wmv e. If t a specif video at to be support, a the detai in commen or email us. We☺ll try to a the support in future release.
Instead of us MX Video Player, MoboPlayer, DoubleTwist Player, mVideoPlayer, VPlayer, RockPlayer a many other video players to play the video in rious a u Conver Andro to convert the video to a Andro support, a play the video us system player with e accelerati. It giv y bet video experience.
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andro.permissi.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: store the put video fil a lo
andro.permissi.WAKE_LOCK: video conversi wh phone scre is switch off
andro.permissi.READ_LOGS: collect lo in caversi s. Ul be ask if lo shod be k every time.
What;s in Video Conver Andro PRO 1.1.1 versi 1.1.1 :
a Chineage support
allow free versi utry tur 3 da
Thank y very much dk! Pleanue support usdk, rat, a share our app.
Download Video Conver Andro PRO 1.1.1 (v1.1.1) (Andro) APK