Overview: ROM Toolbox Pro is the MUST HAVE app any root u/>
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.0 a up
Market Update Relea August 22, 2012
ROM Toolbox Pro combin all the great root ap all ti up into one mons app with a beautif a undly in. It also ad many more untur!
ROM Toolbox Pro has btur oacker, XDA-Developers, Dro-Life, Andro Central, RootzWiki, Andro PolDroidForu, MyDroidWor a other popar sit. With one of the highest rats in the top 100 pa ap it;s an easy must have app.
T app requir root permissi. For a friendly support a us. We will be glad to help answer your questio a troubleshoot with y.
- ROM Manager -
; Install fl ROMs other zi from a grow list of ROMs
; Create, manage restore nandro ku
; Wipe he, dhe, y sta
; Install a ROM from yod
; AOKP, CM9, CM7, Gummy other popar ROMs includ
- App Manager -
; Sched ku
; Restore from CWR ku
; Batch kup restore
; Backup/Restore text s, bookmar, accoun, e.
; Auly kup or delete ap wh they are install/uninstall
; Se ku via gmail/email or dropbox
; Sort ku by already install, same as install, older versio, e.
; Backup/restore app data
; Backup/restore Andro Market link
; Task manager
; View memory usage
; Show/hideent proces>
; Automat ch uninstaller
; E-mail your ap to frien
; Share with otherio which acc text (SMS, book, google reader, e;)
; Move *any* uto td
; Freeze/Defrost system u
; Market Doctor (Link *any* app to the Andro Market)
; Break market lin
; Clean up dhe
; Zipali all ap
; Fix permissio on all ap
; Wipe dahe ap
; Force clo/p>
- Root File Brow />
; Acce the whole of andro;s file system (includ the elusive data folder!).
; Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder
; Change file permissio a ownership
; View, edit share fil
; A new fil folders in any directory
- Scrip Terminal Emator -
; Create a run scrip as root
; Download run new scrip from an ever-grow list
- Auto Start Manager -
; Enable/disable ap that run on start-up
; Enable/disable any intent/acti ap receive
- Ad Blocker -
; Chooock a, ino risky sit
; A new sit to the hos file
; Um IP
- Configure Ap2SD -
; Select the det insti ap
- Reboo -
; Reboot recovery, power, bootloader, restart status , e.
- Font Installer -
; Install custom fon from a list of over 150
; Set fon as rit m to frien
- Boot Animati Installer -
; Install custom boot animatio from over 100+
; Preview boot animatio
; Backup preview your current animati
- Theme Manager -
; Create theinstall to your system
; Install a theme from other u
- Ic Changer -
; Customize your status by install custom ico wifi, 3g/4g, g, e.
; Change your y ico in the status to a custom one from a list of 150+
- Boot Logo Changer -
; Change your boot logo support phon
- Theme Choo -
; View a list of
- CPU Sliders -
; SetCPU s governor
; CPU Profil
; Apply at boot
; C info
- Bui.prop Twea -
; Easily edit your bui.prop
; Change l density, improve increarmance
- Auto Memomory Manager -
; Set minfree lu rom pre/>
; Apply minfree at boot
- SD Boost -
; Increape of yod
- Sysctl Twea -
; Modify sysctl lu
ROM Toolbox combin ap like Titanium Backup, Root Explorer, ROM Manager a others. It also ad to of tur. It will save y money, time a space. What are t
We have totur we are work on!
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Ifreeappsandro.blogspot.com
Download ROM Toolbox Pro 5.2.5 (v5.2.5) (Andro) APK
Ut Lucky Patcher to remove le i via ;Custom Patch;
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Ifreeappsandro.blogspot.com