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Free Download ͐ROM Toolbox Pro 5.2.5 (Android) APK

Written By Unknown on Thursday, August 23, 2012 | 9:00 PM

ROM Toolbox Pro 5.2.5 (v5.2.5) (Andro) APK

Overview: ROM Toolbox Pro is the MUST HAVE app any root u/>
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.0 a up

Market Update Relea August 22, 2012


jCDnM ROM Toolbox Pro 5.2.5 (Andro) APK 3zSDB ROM Toolbox Pro 5.2.5 (Andro) APK

ROM Toolbox Pro combin all the great root ap all ti up into one mons app with a beautif a undly in. It also ad many more untur!

ROM Toolbox Pro has btur oacker, XDA-Developers, Dro-Life, Andro Central, RootzWiki, Andro PolDroidForu, MyDroidWor a other popar sit. With one of the highest rats in the top 100 pa ap it;s an easy must have app.

T app requir root permissi. For a friendly support a us. We will be glad to help answer your questio a troubleshoot with y.




- ROM Manager -

; Install fl ROMs other zi from a grow list of ROMs

; Create, manage restore nandro ku

; Wipe he, dhe, y sta

; Install a ROM from yod

; AOKP, CM9, CM7, Gummy other popar ROMs includ

- App Manager -

; Sched ku

; Restore from CWR ku

; Batch kup restore

; Backup/Restore text s, bookmar, accoun, e.

; Auly kup or delete ap wh they are install/uninstall

; Se ku via gmail/email or dropbox

; Sort ku by already install, same as install, older versio, e.

; Backup/restore app data

; Backup/restore Andro Market link

; Task manager

; View memory usage

; Show/hideent proces>
; Automat ch uninstaller

; E-mail your ap to frien

; Share with otherio which acc text (SMS, book, google reader, e;)

; Move *any* uto td

; Freeze/Defrost system u

; Market Doctor (Link *any* app to the Andro Market)

; Break market lin

; Clean up dhe

; Zipali all ap

; Fix permissio on all ap

; Wipe dahe ap

; Force clo/p>

- Root File Brow />
; Acce the whole of andro;s file system (includ the elusive data folder!).

; Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder

; Change file permissio a ownership

; View, edit share fil

; A new fil folders in any directory

- Scrip Terminal Emator -

; Create a run scrip as root

; Download run new scrip from an ever-grow list

- Auto Start Manager -

; Enable/disable ap that run on start-up

; Enable/disable any intent/acti ap receive

- Ad Blocker -

; Chooock a, ino risky sit

; A new sit to the hos file

; Um IP

- Configure Ap2SD -

; Select the det insti ap

- Reboo -

; Reboot recovery, power, bootloader, restart status , e.


- Font Installer -

; Install custom fon from a list of over 150

; Set fon as rit m to frien

- Boot Animati Installer -

; Install custom boot animatio from over 100+

; Preview boot animatio

; Backup preview your current animati

- Theme Manager -

; Create theinstall to your system

; Install a theme from other u

- Ic Changer -

; Customize your status by install custom ico wifi, 3g/4g, g, e.

; Change your y ico in the status to a custom one from a list of 150+

- Boot Logo Changer -

; Change your boot logo support phon

- Theme Choo -

; View a list of

the the CM7 theme chooser


- CPU Sliders -

; SetCPU s governor

; CPU Profil

; Apply at boot

; C info

- Bui.prop Twea -

; Easily edit your bui.prop

; Change l density, improve increarmance

- Auto Memomory Manager -

; Set minfree lu rom pre/>
; Apply minfree at boot

- SD Boost -

; Increape of yod

- Sysctl Twea -

; Modify sysctl lu

ROM Toolbox combin ap like Titanium Backup, Root Explorer, ROM Manager a others. It also ad to of tur. It will save y money, time a space. What are t

We have totur we are work on!

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Download ROM Toolbox Pro 5.2.5 (v5.2.5) (Andro) APK

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